

  • Magical Mist Stamp


    A single stamp featuring a silhouette of swirling magical mist.

    This magical mist is made up of curling dotted lines. These lines are perfect for adding movement to a scene, above a cauldron or perhaps as a witch’s spell.

    The ideal companion for scenes with Hattie, Bubbling Cauldron and Bats.

    Stamp Size: 6.2cm x 4cm


  • Faba Stamp


    A silhouette stamp of the side view of a witch holding a lamp.

    This mystical witch has beautiful flowing locks with curls mirrored in her full skirts and pointed hat. Her long hanging sleeves have a delicate cobweb effect and she carries a rounded lantern.

    This witch is super for a larger scene or to create perspective. Perfect to use in scenes with Playful Pumpkin, Mooch and Magical Mist.

    Stamp size: 5cm x 10cm


  • Coven of the Blue Moon Stamp


    A stamp set featuring three individual standing silhouettes of a witch.

    The mystical witches have characterful curling ends to their tall, pointed hats and each wear a dress with flowing pointed sleeves and flowing skirts. Each witch can be identified by what they carry, a lamp, a broom and a staff.

    These witches are perfect for a smaller scene or to create perspective. Ideal to use in scenes with Mini Rune and Mini Jinx and Magical Mist.

    Stamp Size: 2.5cm x 5cm and 2.5cm x 6cm and 3.3cm x 5cm


  • Bubbling Cauldron Stamp


    A set of two stamps featuring illustrations of a cauldron and some bubbles.

    The sturdy black cauldron has two ornate handles and a textured bowl. The cauldron is accompanied by a group of bubbles in differing sizes.

    They are the ideal companions for scenes with Willow the Witch, Coven of the Blue Moon and Hocus and Pocus.

    Stamp Size: 2.7cm x 2cm and 1cm x 1.1cm


  • Marcie Stamp


    A silhouette stamp of a witch holding a broomstick.

    This mystical witch has beautiful long flowing locks with curls. Her dress has lovely cobweb details on the sleeves and skirts. Her pointed hat has a wide brim and long thin twisted point. She carries a tall broomstick.

    This witch is ideal for a larger scene or to create perspective. Perfect to use in scenes with Broomsticks, Playful Pumpkin and Mimsy.

    Stamp size: 6cm x 10cm


  • Hattie Stamp


    A silhouette stamp of a witch holding a magic wand.

    This mystical witch has a beautiful pointed hat with a curling top. Her dress is form fitting with her sleeves finishing in an array of cobwebs. Her skirts finish in beautiful curling tendrils. She holds a magic wand as if ready to cast a spell.

    This witch is perfect for scenes with Magical Mist, Nightfall and Burst of Stars.

    Stamp size: 6cm x 10cm


  • Leaf Bouquet Stamp


    A single stamp featuring an illustration of a bouquet of leaves.

    With a flowing cascade of leaves in differing sizes and delicate beaded vines, this stamp is perfect for all card designs.

    A Great stamp to add to scenes with King Hopkins, Eve or Starr.

    (Approx) 4cm x 14cm


  • Ickle Pumpkins Stamp


    A set of two individual stamps featuring illustrations of smaller pumpkins.

    This pair of smaller pumpkins have lovely individual details. One stamp is a small pumpkin dwelling with oval window and twirling vine and the other shows a smaller grinning face of a carved pumpkin.

    These stamps are perfect for autumnal scenes with Red Squirrel and Mini Leaf Number 5.

    (Approx) 3cm x 2.5cm , 3cm x 3.5cm


  • Pumpkin Pad Stamp


    A single stamp featuring an illustration of a type of Pumpkin accommodation.

    This stamp shows a pumpkin with a twirling vine stem and oval window. Perfect to live within a pumpkin patch full of Ickle Pumpkins or perhaps as a neighbour to the Pumpkin Lodge.

    (Approx) 5.5cm x 5cm


  • Fairy Crook Stamp


    A single stamp of a silhouette of a fairy crook.

    The stems of the fairy hook, curl like a climbing bramble.

    With swirling hooks and a tall stem this fairy crook is an ideal support for hanging Ickle Pumpkins or even balancing a Playful Pumpkin on.

    (Approx) 13cm x 5.5cm

  • Burst of Stars Stamp


    A single silhouette stamp featuring a collection of stars in differing sizes.

    This lovely stamp is perfect for adding that extra touch of magic to scenes with the Fairy Signs stamps, Willow the Witch or any Lavinia Fairy.

    (Approx) 12.5cm x 3cm

  • Playful Pumpkin Stamp


    A single stamp featuring an illustration of a Pumpkin with a smiling face.

    A permanent grin this pumpkin in the style of a Jack O’ Lantern, adds a little fun to a Halloween.

    This stamp is ideal stamped with the Ickle Pumpkins or balanced on the Fairy Crook.

    (Approx) 5cm x 5cm

  • Pumpkin Lodge Stamp


    A single stamp featuring an illustration of a fantasy pumpkin house.

    This stamp has magical details with curling vines, a set of rickety steps and characterful door and porch.

    Add to the atmosphere with Flutterbies and Slender Mushrooms.

    (Approx) 8.5cm x 8cm

  • Forest Flower Stamp


    A set of two individual stamps showing a wistful illustration of forest flowers.

    These stunning stamps are perfect for adding accents of colour and look ideal with the Fairy Foragers stamps.

    (Approx) 14 cm x 4 cm and 10 cm x 2.5 cm


  • Heart Large Stamp


    A single stamp featuring an illustration of a heart with a pattern and cogs.

    This stamp is ideal as a focal point of the design or to create a subtle background.

    Add wings for more of a fantasy feel.

    Stamp size: 7cm x 8cm


  • Heart Small Stamp


    A single stamp featuring an illustration of a heart with a pattern and cogs.

    This stamp is ideal as a focal point of the design or to create a subtle background.

    Add wings for more of a fantasy feel.

    Stamp size: 4.7cm x 5.5cm


  • Angel Wings Large Stamp


    A set of two individual silhouette stamps of feathered angel wings.

    These versatile stamps are ideal for giving wings to the Heart stamps.

    Stamp size per wing: 4.2cm x 5.5cm


  • Angel Wings Small Stamp


    A set of two individual silhouette stamps of feathered angel wings.

    These versatile stamps are ideal for giving wings to Bijou the small owl or the Heart stamps.

    Stamp size per wing: 3cm x 4cm


  • Forest Lanterns Stamp


    A set of two stamps featuring two forest lanterns.

    With tiny lamps and climbing vine tendrils these lamps are great as focal points for a fantasy card design.

    Stamp size: 4.5cm x 12.5cm & 3.5cm x 8cm


  • Pumpkin Carriage Stamp


    A single stamp featuring an illustration of finely detailed pumpkin carriage.

    With wooden wheels, an oval window and swirling tendrils this carriage sets the scene for a fairytale design.

    The mouse stamps, Tilly and Tango and Minni and Moo, are ideal to set the scene.

    Stamp size: 9cm x 6.5cm


  • Tree Hanging Pods Stamp


    A set of two stamps featuring illustrations of hanging pods.

    The pods have circular windows, spotty walls and draping tendrils.

    They would look ideal hanging near The Tree Hive Set for a hanging village.

    Stamp size: 1.7cm x 12.5cm & 2.5cm x 13.5cm


  • Forest Cap Toadstool Stamp


    A single stamp featuring a detailed illustration of a Toadstool fairy home.

    The details on this stamp are wonderful from the raised spots on the roof, the curved circular window to the rocks and climbing flowers at the base.

    Add some Fairy Ladders or Small Pixy Houses for even more fun!

    Stamp size: 10cm x 11.5cm


  • Forest Inn Stamp


    A single stamp featuring a detailed illustration of a Toadstool fairy home.

    The details on this stamp are wonderful from the raised spots on the roof, the curved circular window to the rocks and climbing flowers at the base.

    Add some Fairy Ladders or Small Pixy Houses for even more fun!

    Stamp size: 6cm x 7.5cm


  • Small Pixy Houses Stamp


    A set of three individual silhouette stamps of small quirky pixy houses.

    These small stamps fit perfectly on top of a Fairy Toadstool, Forest Cap Toadstool or Forest Inn.

    Stamp size: 2cm x 1cm, 1.5cm x 0.7cm & 1.5cm x 0.8cm



  • Swing Bed (Small) Stamp


    A single stamp featuring a delicate illustration of a hanging swing bed.

    This stamp makes a perfect frame for one of the Three Woodland Mice Stamps.

    Stamp size: 3.5cm x 8cm


  • Small Frog Stamp


    A single stamp featuring an illustration of a small, winged frog.

    This small frog is the perfect addition to any water scene with King Hopkins or Bogart.

    Stamp size: 3cm x 3cm


  • King Hopkins Stamp


    A single stamp featuring an illustration of the reigning frog monarch, King Hopkins.

    King Hopkins sits on a rocky throne holding a staff with a jewelled crown.

    Give King Hopkins an audience with the Bella, Bogart and Small Frog stamps.

    Stamp size: 12cm x 8cm



  • Moulted Wing Set Stamp


    A set of three stamps featuring illustrations of fairy wings with lace-like patterned detail.

    These wing stamps are perfect for embossing and make perfect earrings with the Large Moulted Wings.

    Stamp size: 5cm x 1.5cm (Large) & 4cm x 1.5cm (Small)


  • Large Moulted Wings Stamp


    A set of two stamps featuring illustrations of fairy wings with lace-like patterned detail.

    These wing stamps are perfect for embossing and make perfect earrings with the Moulted Wings Set.

    Stamp size: 6.5cm x 2cm


  • Fantasea Stamp


    A single stamp featuring an illustration of a beautifully crafted fairy boat.

    The Fantasea boat has button details on its side and a Bell Flower Vine sail.

    Stamp size: 7cm x 5cm



  • Liberty Stamp


    A single stamp featuring an illustration of a beautifully crafted fairy boat.

    The Liberty boat has button details on its side and a Bell Flower Vine sail.

    Stamp size: 9cm x 8cm


  • North Star Mini Stamp


    A miniature silhouette stamp of the North Star.

    This eight-pointed star is ideal for adding a little festivity to the night sky with Stars 1 Mini and Stars 2 Mini.

    Stamp size: 1.5cm x 2cm


  • Swirl Set Stamp


    A set of two individual smaller silhouette stamps featuring a scrolling tendril and a tuft of foliage.

    The stamps are great for adding extra volume and texture to undergrowth or foliage frames.

    Stamp size: 2cm x 2cm & 3cm x 2cm


  • Starlights Set Stamp


    A set of two detailed stamps featuring the magical Starlight Set.

    The lanterns are of slightly different sizes, which is perfect for adding depth to a border.

    The lanterns are ideal in a scene with the Small Pixies and Luna Lights stamps.

    Stamp size: 1.5cm x 7.5cm & 1cm x 7cm


  • Swing Bed (Large) Stamp


    A single stamp featuring a delicate illustration of a hanging Swing Bed.

    This stamp makes a perfect frame for the fairy stamps Tia or Everlee.

    Stamp size: 7.5cm x 15cm


  • Swing Bed (Medium) Stamp


    A single stamp featuring a delicate illustration of a hanging Swing Bed.

    This stamp makes a perfect frame for a Fairy Forager or even the Pipin stamp.

    Stamp size: 5cm x 10cm


  • Druid’s Inn Stamp


    A lovely fantasy stamp featuring an illustration of the base of a tree.

    This stamp has some truly magical details, including a raised path of tree stumps leading to a round Hobbit-style door.

    With stripes of bark and crossed vines hugging the tree trunk, even a small circular window above the door, surely a magical creature lives here..?

    Stamp size: 12cm long, 4cm width at the trunk, 10.5cm width at the roots


  • Jasmin & Sebastian’s House Stamp


    Two detailed linear stamps of these quirky Mushroom houses.

    The houses are finely detailed, from the pattern on the mushroom cap, to the little windows.

    Works well with a Fairy Forager or two, or the mini Snail and mini Flutterby stamps.

    Stamp sizes: 2cm x 7cm & 5cm x 6cm


  • Dragon Pods Stamp


    A set of two individual stamps of illustrations of some fantastical Dragon Pods.

    These unique and mystical floral stamps are great when coloured in to match the scene.

    Great companion stamps for Felicity and Nightwatch Stamps.

    Stamp sizes:

    2cm x 11cm (small)

    3cm x 14cm (large)


  • Fairy Thistles Stamp


    A detailed linear stamp of a group of fairy thistles.

    Their tall stalks and lace-like pods create an interesting texture, which looks fabulous when coloured.

    A lovely companion stamp for Single Fairy Thistle and Fairy Chain small.

    Stamp size: 4cm x 13cm


  • Single Fairy Thistle Stamp


    A detailed linear stamp of an illustration showing a type of thistle.

    The fairy thistle stands tall, with a lace-like pattern on the bud.

    This stamp is super with Fairy Thistles and the Woodland Hares.

    Stamp size: 2.5cm x 13cm


  • Fairy Orbs Stamp


    A set of three stamps of linear illustrations of fairy orbs.

    These circular orbs, of three differing sizes, are perfect for underwater scenes. Their detailed circular patterns are great to add spots of colour or magic to your card.

    A lovely stamp to use with Zelith, Jalandhar or Fish Set.

    Stamp sizes:

    2cm x 2cm (small)

    2.5cm x 2.5cm (medium)

    3cm x 3cm (large)


  • Moon Pods Stamp


    The Moon Pod flowers are full of texture with their circular patterning and their curving leaves.

    They are great companions stamps for the Woodland Hares and Spellbound Fairy Stamps.

    Stamp size:

    2cm x 10cm (small)

    3cm x 13.5cm (large)


  • Fairy House Stamp


    A single stamp featuring an illustration of two mushroom fairy homes.

    This incredibly detailed stamp is a wonderful centre piece for any card.

    Why not create a lovely scene by adding a Fairy Forager or two?

    Stamp size: 9cm x 5.5cm


  • Mushrooms Stamp


    A single silhouette stamp showing an enchanting image of quirky mushrooms.

    This stamp looks perfect with the Three Dancing Fairies Stamps.

    Stamp size: 6cm x 6.5cm


  • Althea Stamp


    A single stamp featuring an illustration of a mermaid with an upturned hand.

    With stunning detail from the curls in her hair to the scales on her body down to the lines on the fin of her tail, she is a great addition to any water scene.

    Add to a scene with Arlo and Flo or Sea Tangle.

    Stamp size: 15cm x 8cm


  • Zelith Stamp


    A single stamp featuring an illustration of a mermaid looking upwards.

    With stunning detail from the curls in her hair to the scales on her body down to the lines on the fin of her tail, she is a great addition to any water scene.

    Add to a scene with Marine Kelp or Sea Tangle.

    Stamp size: 6.5cm x 16.5cm


  • Astrid Stamp


    A single stamp featuring an illustration of the beautiful face of Astrid.

    Astrid has flowing wavy hair with large soulful eyes and can be stamped in any scene, underwater or above ground.

    Stamp with Sea Flower and Sea Tangle.

    Stamp size: 9cm x 14cm
