

  • Fairy Orbs Stamp


    A set of three stamps of linear illustrations of fairy orbs.

    These circular orbs, of three differing sizes, are perfect for underwater scenes. Their detailed circular patterns are great to add spots of colour or magic to your card.

    A lovely stamp to use with Zelith, Jalandhar or Fish Set.

    Stamp sizes:

    2cm x 2cm (small)

    2.5cm x 2.5cm (medium)

    3cm x 3cm (large)


  • Althea Stamp


    A single stamp featuring an illustration of a mermaid with an upturned hand.

    With stunning detail from the curls in her hair to the scales on her body down to the lines on the fin of her tail, she is a great addition to any water scene.

    Add to a scene with Arlo and Flo or Sea Tangle.

    Stamp size: 15cm x 8cm


  • Zelith Stamp


    A single stamp featuring an illustration of a mermaid looking upwards.

    With stunning detail from the curls in her hair to the scales on her body down to the lines on the fin of her tail, she is a great addition to any water scene.

    Add to a scene with Marine Kelp or Sea Tangle.

    Stamp size: 6.5cm x 16.5cm


  • Astrid Stamp


    A single stamp featuring an illustration of the beautiful face of Astrid.

    Astrid has flowing wavy hair with large soulful eyes and can be stamped in any scene, underwater or above ground.

    Stamp with Sea Flower and Sea Tangle.

    Stamp size: 9cm x 14cm


  • Fish Set Stamp


    A set of two individual stamps of fish in profile facing left.

    These stamps have lovely patterning on their body and striped fins.

    They are perfect with Sea Urchins and Seaweed 2 stamps.

    Stamp size: 4cm x 2cm each


  • Arlo Stamp


    A single silhouette stamp of a fish in profile facing left.

    A lovely stamp with detailed patterned body and fins.

    Arlo is perfect stamped near Flo and the Shoal of Fish stamps.

    Stamp size: 7cm x 4cm


  • Flo Stamp


    A single silhouette stamp of a fish in profile facing left.

    A lovely stamp with detailed striped body and fins.

    Flo is perfect stamped near Arlo and the Shoal of Fish stamps.

    Stamp size: 6cm x 4cm


  • Urchins Stamp


    A single stamp featuring an illustration of a group of Sea Urchins.

    A lovely way to decorate the seabed. Add to scenes with Zelith, Arlo and Flo.

    Stamps size: 9cm x 2.5cm


  • Jalandhar Stamp


    A single large stamp featuring an illustration of a beautiful jellyfish.

    This detailed jellyfish, Jalandhar, has ribbon-like tentacles that float creating a serene feeling of motion.

    This stamp is stunning alongside the Mini Orbs, Blue or Pink Orbs stamps.

    Stamp size: 6cm x 15.5cm


  • Sea Tangle Stamp


    A single stamp featuring an illustration of Sea Tangle.

    This stamp creates movement with its patterned swirls and circular shapes.

    An excellent stamp for adding texture to underwater scenes or even as extra foliage above ground.

    Stamp size: 3cm x 13cm


  • Sea Algae Stamp


    A single stamp featuring an illustration of Sea Algae.

    This stamp creates movement with its patterned swirls and circular shapes.

    An excellent stamp for adding texture to underwater scenes.

    Stamp size: 2.5cm x


  • Sea Flower Stamp


    A single stamp featuring an illustration of a Sea Flower.

    This stamp has numerous beautiful, detailed pods.

    An excellent stamp for adding texture to underwater scenes or even as extra foliage above ground.

    Stamp size: 11cm x 3.3cm.


  • Marine Kelp Stamp


    A single stamp featuring an illustration of some sea Kelp.

    The leaves float like ribbons with the sea’s current.

    A lovely stamp with the fish stamps Arlo and Flo, and the mini Fish stamp.

    Stamp size: 4cm x 12cm


  • Mini Urchin Stamp


    A miniature stamp featuring an illustration of an urchin.

    This stamp is a great addition to any underwater scene.

    Add as extra detail to the sea floor with Urchins and Sea Algae.

    Stamp size: 1.5 cm x 1.5 cm


  • Mini Fish Stamp


    A miniature stamp featuring an illustration of a single fish.

    This stamp is a great addition to any underwater scene.

    Add as extra detail to sea scenes with Shoal of Fish.

    Stamp size: 2.5 cm x 1 cm


  • Mini Orbs Stamp


    A miniature stamp featuring a small cluster of floating orbs.

    These circular orbs vary in size and are ideal for underwater or airborne scenes.

    Add interest with these orbs to scenes with Blue Orbs or Pink Orbs.

    Stamp size: 2 cm x 2 cm


  • Pink Orbs Stamp


    These circular orbs vary in size and are ideal for underwater or airborne scenes.

    Add mystical interest to any design with these orbs to scenes with Aria or Althea.

    Stamp size: 9.5cm x 2cm


  • Blue Orbs Stamp


    These circular orbs vary in size and are ideal for underwater or airborne scenes.

    Add interest with these orbs to scenes with Aria or Zelith.

    Stamp size: 4cm x 5cm


  • Stones (Small) Stamp


    A detailed linear stamp of a small collection of stones.

    A useful stamp for use in and around a body of water.

    Works well with any mermaid stamp or even the shoal of fish.

    Stamp size: 2cm x 7.5cm


  • Seaweed 2 Stamp


    Two silhouette stamps of seaweed.

    These stamps with their irregular wiggly forms are perfect for creating depth by stamping multiple times.

    Add to your underwater scene with Althea, Sebastian or Urchins.

    Stamp size: 1cm x 9.5cm & 1cm x 7cm


  • Sebastian the Seahorse Stamp


    A detailed silhouette stamp of a seahorse called Sebastian.

    This seahorse has delicate patterning within his face and body shape, and a stunning curling tail.

    Add him to an underwater scene with the Fish set, Sea Tangle and Marine Kelp stamps.

    Stamp size: 6cm x 11cm


  • Stones (Large) Stamp


    A detailed linear stamp of a large collection of stones.

    Ideal for using in borders, as a pattern or for a stony ground.

    Use underwater with the Sea Creatures or above ground with the Bugs stamps.

    Stamp size: 3cm x 12cm


  • Shoal of Fish Stamp


    A silhouette stamp of a shoal of fish swim.

    This stamp, that conveys so much movement as the fish swim together, can also be stamped multiple times to create depth.

    A great match for the Mermaid stamps Althea and Zelith, they look great swimming around Sea Tangle and Marine Kelp.

    Stamp size: 3cm x 9cm


  • Sea Bubbles Stamp


    A detailed linear stamp of a group of bubbles.

    Perfect for creating movement in underwater scenes or even to add to a scene with Giselle blowing bubbles.

    Stamp size: 2cm x 9cm


  • Guinevere Stamp


    A silhouette stamp of a mermaid with flowing hair.

    Perched on a craggy rock, she looks at home in Seascapes.

    Add Sea Weed and Marine Kelp to really set the scene.

    Stamp size: 7cm x 9cm


  • Fairy Barnacle Stamp


    A detailed stamp featuring an illustration of a fairy barnacle.

    This stamp is ready to be coloured. Perfect both underwater, and as a magical Hollyhock type plant in a floral border.

    Pairs well with the underwater stamps Sea Tangle and Sea Flower.

    Stamp size: 2cm x 12cm



  • Deeper than the ocean Stamp


    A word stamp in a clear, easy to read font.

    This versatile motivational quote is perfect with pictures using the moon stamp or even underwater creations with Zelith and Althea the mermaid stamps, or Arlo and Flo the fish.

    Stamp size: 11cm x 2cm


  • Alana Stamp


    A silhouette stamp of a mermaid with flowing locks of hair and exquisite patterns on her tail.

    Alana, this beautiful mermaid, is perfect for any Sea-scape.

    A great companion stamp for the Marine Kelp, Sea Weed and Arlo stamps.

    Stamp size: 3cm x 10cm


  • Sea Creatures Stamp


    A set of four aquatic silhouette characters.

    Part of the Lavinia wildlife range. A must for underwater creations and great friends for mermaids.

    Enhance your sea creatures scene with some Sea Bubbles.

    Stamp size: 3cm x 2cm.



  • Bubbles Stamp


    Three stamps of differing sized bubbles.

    These individual stamps are excellent for underwater scenes with Althea and Zelith the mermaid stamps.

    Stamp size: 1cm to 1.5cm diameters
