Step by Step by Rosemary Rodgers.

Picture 1 – Using an A5 piece of multifarious card, place Hill house stamp (LAV908) in the centre of the card, so that the spire is about half way up the card. Stamp the house using Versafine Clair Nocturne ink.

Picture 2 – Line up Fairy Path Stamp (LAV246) so that the top step is in line with the Hill house door. Stamp the Fairy Path using Versafine Clair Morning Mist ink. Mask off Hill House using the Mini Hill Mask and the Fairy Path with masking fluid. Place over the house to create a hill, which we will do using Pine Elements ink. ( See next photo)

Picture 3 – Turn the hill mask over. Using Lavina Stencil brush series 7, lightly colour either side of the 1st hill to give you the effect of hills in the background.

Picture 4 – Cut your card to 14.5cm Square. Remove the hill mask, then place the circle mask over the house and hold in place with low tack stencil tape.

Picture 5 – Remove the masking fluid from the Fairy Path. Using a ripped piece of paper, brush upwards across card using Violet Chalk Elements ink. Move card down and repeat using different colours to the represent clouds. For this effect I also used Elements inks Sundance, Sahara and Russet Orange Elements applying with a Lavinia stencil brush series 7.

Picture 6 – You can make this card using stamps and acrylic boards, however, I have used a stamping platform. Using Tree of Spirits Large stamp (LAV918), ink up in Versafine Clair Nocturne. Stamp on either side of the house, bending the tree towards the house on your acrylic board or stamping platform (I thought this looked spookier!).

Picture 7 – Mask off the tree trunks and hills, with a small piece of low tack tape, as in the picture. Now stamp mini Slender Mushrooms (LAV151), so they look as if they are behind the tree and hills. Stamp these in 2nd generation Versafine Clair Morning Mist and colour with a Kuretake Zig Clean Colour Real Brush pen in Brown.

Picture 8 – Use Versafine Clair Nocturne ink stamp Hocus in the garden area, and add the bats (LAV167) above the house. Put some flowers in the foreground of the design by stamping the flowers from Flora Set (LAV698) in Versafine Clair Arctic.

Picture 9 – Using Distress Oxide Ink Lost Shadow mixed with a little water, paint the stones on the path. Then finish with Gelli roll glitter pens, in green, blue and gold to add some highlights to the windows, tree, Hocus and foliage.
Hope you like the card and enjoy creating with the new stamps. They are great to work with.
Happy crafting!
Rosemary Rogers