
What is the origin of Well Street?

I was very lucky to meet up with local historian and author, Gareth Evans, who has an extensive knowledge on Ruthin and is just the person to inspire a search into the past. Gareth has written many books on the subject of Ruthin and the history of the town. Through our discussion he mentioned theories of how Well Street got its name. Then also pointed me in the direction of invaluable resources that without his experience would have eluded me.

For example …Did you know that you can do a lot of searching from your armchair? Neither did I!…(Thinking about it logically – you can research by reading a book , but also...) In this modern and technological age you can search old Newspapers for your property, a name or event by visiting this site . There is also the chance to search a census online at–records/census . You can search for people or places. It’s fantastic!

But I digress…What IS the origin of Well Street?

There are three theories that I am aware of…so far. All three of them interesting and each one different to the other.

The first theory is that Well Street was built near a well. Bearing in mind that Ruthin is built on an aquifer, which is summed up as layers of water bearing rock ideal for water wells, this theory seems feasible.

The second theory is based on the fact that the original settlement of Welsh people in Ruthin settled in this area, and over time Welsh Street has evolved to Well street.

The third theory I found in a newspaper article online. ( Denbighshire Free Press, 21st August 1909, Page 6) is that a rather well travelled and well-to-do lady used to live in Plas Coch. She loved to talk and as she recounted her tales she would exclaim: “Well!” …and so, it is rumoured, the street was named after her exclamations! 

Any of the three theories appeal but, it would be fair to say, that the theory that is most favoured as fact is that it stems from the original Welsh Settlement.


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