A second trip to the archives proved even more fruitful than the first with actual photographic evidence of the previous occupants and the building.

This evidence was found by searching through a couple of photograph albums.
Both of these albums were full of photographs and handwritten notes by Herbert Aldrich.
The Aldrich family were related to the Jones family that lived at Plas Coch at the turn of the 20th Century.
Herbert, the photographer, is the moustached gentleman in the bottom circle in the picture.
This wonderful photograph album was able to shed some light on what the back of the property looked like in the late 1800’s.
Looking at the photograph to the right, there’s the doorway to the Snug on the left and two beautiful sash windows above.
On the right we can see the alleyway, which is still evident in the middle of the property today.
Finally on the right hand side you can see a small extension that is likely the brick wall that we found when removing the cupboard.