
Let the work…commence!

It would be lovely to think that a project such as this, in a building brimming with history, began with a grand statement like the one above…I can’t guarantee it did, but sometimes the best things happen without an overture.

The work on the building just seemed to suddenly be happening, after having to wait for all the various permissions that were required – Boom! The action happened! Carpets vanished, seating areas, light fittings and bars were removed, leaving as blank a canvas as possible.

The snooker room was the first room to get some work done. Let’s start with what it looked like before.

So. First of all the seating left the building. Then the light fittings were gone and the ceiling tiles came down. The next step was to fill in one doorway and create two more.

Ahhh…deconstructing a wall with a power tool…or even a mallet! I’ve always thought that this sort of work would be great as a form of therapy…and guess what..? “Demolition Therapy” is a real thing!

Slowly the room has started to change. There is still lots to do, but massive differences are being made.