History of Plas Coch
The General History of Plas Coch, as a section title is quite self-explanatory. This section will hold what is already known about the history of Plas Coch and any information that is uncovered through the course of our Archive searches. Looking at the periods of time that Plas Coch has lived through and using information that we have learned from Archive searches to build a better picture of the building and its past.
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The Great Question.
What, I hear you ask , is this Great Question? The Great Question has been hovering around from the start of the renovation works and
An archive adventure…
On a typically overcast day in Ruthin I ventured to do a little investigating in the Ruthin Archives. These can be found, only by appointment,
A Serendipitous Event!
Plas Coch was treated to some most unexpected visitors. A gentleman, called Gareth Blyth, and his daughter arrived armed with books. It turns out these
Online Research: The power of the Census
I remember the last census in 2021. Little did I know at that time the power that census will have for future history hunters. Now
Online Research
As a title that really sounds quite dull. However bear with me. As you begin the journey of uncovering the history of the past occupants
Photography is a dangerous Sport…
Photography is a dangerous sport. Especially if you do it like this. On a dozy Sunday afternoon, I was driving back through Ruthin and was
On the trail of Red Rocks
Plas Coch is built out of the same lovely deep red sandstone as Ruthin Castle. We know this. However as you drive around Ruthin you
What is the origin of Well Street?
I was very lucky to meet up with local historian and author, Gareth Evans, who has an extensive knowledge on Ruthin and is just the
The General History of Plas Coch
What is this red building on Well Street? Let’s start with what we know. As you stand outside the property and look up at the